Hemophilia Myths and Facts
For more information on these and other myths and facts, visit the Midwest Hemophilia Association website (http://midwesthemophilia.org).
If a person with hemophilia gets a cut, they will bleed to death.
Highly unlikely. People with hemophilia do not bleed any faster, they just cannot stop bleeding as quickly or as easily as people who do not have hemophilia. Small cuts are generally not a cause for concern; compression and a bandage is usually enough in most cases. For joint and muscle bleeds, apply usual first aid treatment, including rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE).
Hemophilia affects only males.
While many people assume hemophilia affects only males, females can be carriers and also suffer from some bleeding symptoms. It is very rare that females inherit the severe form of hemophilia.
Patients with hemophilia always have a family history of the disease.
Nearly one-third of hemophilia cases have no family history of the disease.
Important Safety Information
ALPHANATE is contraindicated in patients who have manifested life-threatening immediate hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, to the product or its components.
Anaphylaxis and severe hypersensitivity reactions are possible with ALPHANATE. Discontinue use of ALPHANATE if hypersensitivity symptoms occur, and initiate appropriate treatment.
Development of procoagulant activity-neutralizing antibodies (inhibitors) has been detected in patients receiving FVIII-containing products. Carefully monitor patients treated with AHF products for the development of FVIII inhibitors by appropriate clinical observations and laboratory tests.
Thromboembolic events have been reported with AHF/VWF complex (human) in VWD patients, especially in the setting of known risk factors.
Intravascular hemolysis may occur with infusion of large doses of AHF/VWF complex (human).
Rapid administration of a FVIII concentrate may result in vasomotor reactions.
Because ALPHANATE is made from human plasma, it may carry a risk of transmitting infectious agents, eg, viruses, the variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) agent, and, theoretically, the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) agent, despite steps designed to reduce this risk.
Monitor for development of FVIII and VWF inhibitors. Perform appropriate assays to determine if FVIII and/or VWF inhibitor(s) are present if bleeding is not controlled with expected dose of ALPHANATE.
The most frequent adverse drug reactions reported with ALPHANATE in >1% of infusions were pruritus, headache, back pain, paresthesia, respiratory distress, facial edema, pain, rash, and chills.
Please see full Prescribing Information for ALPHANATE.
You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch or call 1.800.FDA.1088.